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Direct from the hands-on practitioners to you.
5 ‘S’ is a powerful “Lean-Kaizen” foundation tool. This tool enables smooth implementation of Lean-Kaizen principles. It’s also provides for a systematic work-place focus and team based problem solving. The practice of 5 ‘S’ continually improves the organization towards world class and to become a great place to work.
This is an audio-video training aid on 5 ‘S’ implementation in various industries, across sectors and at home, too. It can be used as an authoritative training material for people across all the levels of any organization.
Add on : Interview of people who practice 5 ‘S’
Content Index :
1.) 5 ‘S’
1.1) 5 ‘S’ Introduction
1.2) 1st S – Seiri
1.3) 2nd S – Seiton
1.4) 3rd S – Seiso
1.5) 4th S – Seiketsu
1.6) 5th S – Shitsuke
2) Case study interview
2.1) DISA India, Bangalore
2.2) Rishi Laser limited, Bangalore
2.3) Milton Plastics Limited, Pune
2.4) MAS Linea Leather Accessories Pvt Ltd, Chennai
This is a Video Production by Vedzen Consulting Group
For technical queries contact -
Siva - +91 98840 98155