Dash 8 Q400 mobile helper. Amazing Q400 on palm of your hand
Welcome to Q400 TBSH v2. The best mobile companion for Q400 engineers and pilots. This APP will provide you with the full TBSH data and the knowledge you need to help you understand your plane and get rid of some problems on the go.
This app is for info and studies ONLY! Its primary goal is to give you all available info for the moment so you can speed up your operations using approved and up-to-date operator manuals.
In this app you can find the following:
- all CAWP panel caution and warnings with associated possible causes, correlated CBs for reset and procedures too
- all FADEC and PEC fault codes and their originated cause, as solutions for them and guides
- MEL/CDL for Q400 operations with MEL deadline calculator from the current day, the day of looking
- all circuit breakers' names, designations, and locations for the easiest resetting of the system in case of failure
- all ATAs chapters AMM procedures, most common ones, for shortening real AMM searching and gaining some time on the ramp
- amazing converter is included for temp, force, pressure, and fuel weight calculations
Overall amazing app, which will definitely save you some time in the operations, and help you understand your Q400 even better.
Enjoy and it will be updated for sure, already have some plans for the near future.