Reviews: 65 Rating: 8.8
Skill based wargame PvP shooter. Team crossfire in epic online warfare.
It's so good game and I play it, it's so amazing but I have a question of they are new update pls exchange the animation of bots more than realistic.But anyway it's assome games, so I give you 5/5 stars
I'm amaze how the graphics looks
Do you want to be my friends on the game so we can form a squad
شازە ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The app. Is downloading now. A Zombie mode and offline big weapons and I watch a video with the game goods 🥺
Good game but still need perfection on the movement
Good very good it works and offline too!!!
It's a good update, I like how the aim assist was down graded, but the the damage drop needs to be decreased. The single number damage was ridiculous to see... anything else is good.
First is group 1 new update is group 2 and wow
It's Cool Graphics And Weapons Animation Not Good Animation in both