Reviews: 100 Rating: 6.7
Venture into dungeons and conquer lands with your guild in an open world MMORPG
Se queda atorada la pantalla, error, se congela al iniciar sección.
I heard this game is fun because of ads
Today your uppdate blockt the game i cant even uppdate it saying some packageing problem pliz fix!!!!
why need this to play??? clearly that it is for players who spend money on it wtf..
Hey your update got me stuck on loading screen and cant log in please fix this.. im using huawei nova 7i
100 % trash pvp u lose all u stuff from retards,and kids idiots.delete game
Nice game contents overall and free to play friendly but server lag spikes destroy you. You either have an expensive repair fee or even worse get killed in black/red zones and give other people free loot. The game usually freezes for 10 sec when you lag, which is the worst experience of getting controlled. This game lags more often compared to my other multiplayer mmorpg with higher graphical resolution.
Telefon se previse pregreva i preteska je igrica za mnogo uredjaja/kompjutera zato 1 zvezda, ostalo, igra je super i radnja igre ali se uredjaji pregrevaju previse :)
I'm waiting for update. Please hurry up