Reviews: 144 Rating: 7.7
A raid of immortal heroes in one of RPG mobile legends & a marvel of PVP arenas!
The game is fun but the combat is a lil limited but still when that p2w power creep comes it comes in with a vengeance...phewwww. Also the update is as big as the original update and my phone really just doesn't have space so my time was kinda short, seianara game(probably spelt that wrong)
Good gameCheckout gameplay here
Pretty in all respects music was played, but the only thing that spoiled my pleasure was where women rated me, that 's why I pulled a star
p2w boring trash combat and loot system
pay to win trash + pvp arena is bugged,and you rank never go below 45 000....
Cool game to bad it's p2w
Blade Bound MOD
Stopped playing the game for 30 minutes straight just to write this review it feels so fluid the motions ripping tyre hoards with blow after blow most of all the game looks gorgeous hopefully they will implement some kind of player vs player in the near future
Bardzo chętnie zobaczę tą grę i ocenić sprawiedliwie. Piszę w języku polskim ponieważ przeczytałem ze programista jest z polski jeżeli dobrze zrozumialem. Szkoda ze dopiero teraz dowiaduje się o tej grze a już rok temu otrzymała nagrody. No nic zaczynam nadrabiać zaległości ;)
BLADEBOUND Gameplay to DroidPlayTV channel for more videos: