Reviews: 452 Rating: 9.1
Create, customize and battle your BEYBLADE BURST tops online
Personally, I like the good ol beyblade better
This app is so great that i can get qr codes on any devices even tho i dont have a beyblade to scan it and i unlocked all the beyblades and stadiums by using the qr code scan.
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Ok good game is nice but the burst animation is not good bu
افضل لعبه بلابل علي مࢪ التاࢪيخ و الي ما موافقني يخبط ࢪاسه بالحيط
Wow I love it can you plzz give GR gode because I need surgery beys
Trash game, at first i thought it looks good and played a lot, but then i realized whats the point of this game? I mean like, all Valtryek beyblade version have the same looking avatar, like others too and, its just so boring i have a lot of other reasons but im lazy to write, update this game make this even more understandable?