Reviews: 124 Rating: 8.6
ROLL for riches, BUILD your game empire, DREAM big & SCHEME your way to success!
So aaah my mom is very obsessed with this game she would make me and my siblings play this game whenever she want but it's fun, too much animation IDM but when ever I'm in an hurry and my mom tells me to play this I will have to wait sooooooooooooooooo.........
A VERY good new update: slick graphics, plenty of side interest through ongoing competitions for free throws/extra $s for builds, good healthy rivalry smashing up friends' or strangers' buildings and much more... The autoplay function is good: you can leave it throwing whilst you drink your tea, allowing it to grind through the dice, raising your build $s whilst watching TV or reading Etc. ONE suggestion: I'd have an extra level to auto play - go "Full AI" mode. "Full AI" would do EVERYTHING for you, including: • selection of whose building to smash; • selection of squares to determine the size of bank heist Etc. • collecting $s when you have enough to build the most expensive; Anyway, it's an excellent version of the game & I'd give 4.5 if I could!
It is a really nice game for kids and adults
It keeps saying user cancel. WHY?? Can someone please help so I can get back to playing. Besides this I would of given 5 stars
At first the game was fun and great but now am starting to loss interest because time time where the is an event is hard to get in to like now the is an event on tax, water tax n e. t. c is hard to get in those box but when the is no event is easily to get in to like why where is fun on that am thinking of uninstall in cause is useless to have something so unfair to play
Feel a lot sense of achievement when I playing it!
Keeps saying user canceled and not downloading. Wtf
Nama pun game,,,fun² je la,,,da la dpt kad duplicated je,xde kad baru,lg fix kn plk xblh nk guna reroll,,apoo,,, baik la xpyh buat game,,,
Di minta update... Sudah update... Tapi pak mono dok bagi stiker yg sama je berkali2Cuba la bg yg lain sama.. Bosan sungguh la