Reviews: 58 Rating: 8.4
At the same time as the service ended, it was updated to the ``Memorial Edition'' and became an app exclusively for viewing.
I straight up love it. Check review on gplayGive it a chance, most generous devs ever besides maybe dragalias.Sss artworkSss voice actingSss musicS gameplay loopA+ CombatSss eventsSss story and charactersSss comedic value LOL ull see xD Genuinely best voice acting in any game period. Play with the sound on and headphones if ya got em. Wont regret it. Harpy Tonic Approved
Its **** for those to cowardly to actually look up ****.
Really wanna play, but when I loaded in, I realized I didn't understand a word XD. Any idea when they'll add a global version on here?
Amazing game but why need 2.19gb for open
Is the destiny child uncensored version here?
I hope you make an English or Arabic version
Global version??
Heard that the global version is coming, going to get a feel before it release
Global came out but don't see it listed.