Reviews: 37 Rating: 7.4
The queen sends out a distress signal to you! Help her build the ant kingdom!
Just make the tutorial exitable ..Exit-ableIt's so ******** to wait
Fantastic game with great cooperation between alliance members and good competitivity between servers, so sad the game is pay to win but still great game.
застойная игра Ира испорчена Проблема с лидером альянса и участниками альянса. Это плохая игра
The new update sucks... Why you decrease the amount of resources upon invading.. It is so hard for the player with high level in upgrading because of this new format of yours...
Nice app. But need to have ability to change server location. ကောင်းပေမယ့် serverနေေပြာင်းနိုင်စွမ်လေးလိုအပ်ပါတယ်
the game is not working why?
i love it this!
Good app
It's cool you Don't need to update