Reviews: 771 Rating: 8.0
Global 5v5 mobile game. Fast, Fair and Fun! Fight for Glory!
Where is the game developer,they should fix the rank match glitch,we can not play rank match,fixed it ,
Worst game too bad too lagsAfter updating back to level 1
Why always lagging. Please fix this issue. I can't play it smoothly.
Did they remove it from CHplay or something? I cant seem to find it. And if so then why???
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i really want to play this game but in my first try playing this game its so lag and i really want to coplain it so it can be fixed. Please help me
Something wrong with the rank reward I didn't get ruby
Games crash at the beginning of the game
Not able to play rank play
this game look cool it is like league of legends but why my enemy are look like bots?hey guys pls sub to my YT channel pokimane and like my fb page