Dear Students,
In the early 1950s, scope for agriculture begins when we were in begging bowl for
our own food. After green revolution during 1966, the time when we came out from
begging bowl to bread bowl, there was huge demand for agriculture professionals.
However, we have reached food production from 50millon tons to 250 million tons in
the span of 60 years to cope up food production according to our population growth
and now India became self sufficient due to continuous and cumulative efforts of
Agriculture Scientists and our beloved Farmer’s.
However, if we think future days, land for agriculture is shrinking day by day and
population is increasing in exponential phase. To be self sufficient in food, we need to
find new innovations to increase food production. To achieve these, huge agricultural
professionals are required.
This contest our efforts to make you recall the materials you saw at your village
level to boost your memory to attend AgriCET exam and this book also helps kids to
learn about agriculture.
This only memory based images compiled book. Works only in 4G…
Thank you,
All the best,