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Историческую версию Pitea Free можно получить на Android
Pitea бесплатно - церковный орган
Pitea Free is a virtual church organ based on high quality samples from a real church organ (coming from http://familjenpalo.se/vpo/sf2 ) with 8 ranks, manual and pedal.
You can download demo recordings and a trial version from http://www.refined-apps.com/pitea
We also offer a version containing the full Pitea organ with 33 stops, 3 manuals + pedal and Midi/USB ("Pitea Ultimate") as well as other music apps. For details, see http://www.refined-apps.com.
If you have questions, remarks or suggestions, mail us under [email protected].
-- Highlights ----------
✓ Low latency audio
Low latency audio is a weak spot of Android (see http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=3434 ).
Pitea provides lowest possible latency on your device.
✓ High quality samples
Pitea comes with high quality samples for all contained stops.
-- Features --------
✓ Support for lowest latency possible on your android device.
✓ 8 different organ ranks sampled from a real church organ (coming from Lars Palo / http://familjenpalo.se/vpo/sf2 )
✓ 3 predefined combinations
✓ Various reverb settings (no reverb, small church, medium church, cathedral, ...)
✓ The ranks can be played together like on a real organ; up to 512 pipes simultaneously
✓ 5 octave keyboard range just like the original organ plus pedal
✓ Multitouch only limited by your device
✓ Scrollable on-screen keyboard
✓ Settings for the number of displayed keys, optional vibrate on touch, ...
✓ Runs on android >= 4.0.3, phones and tablets
-- Usage Tips / Hardware requirements --------
✓ Needs ca. 20 MB for the organ samples
✓ Use headphones / external speakers for better sound; phones speakers are not made for organs
✓ For the best sound, the device should have at least a 1GHz single core processor
---- Ultimate-Features ------------
Pitea Ultimate provides all the features of the Free version plus:
✓ Audio recording feature & sharing of recordings
✓ 33 stops (the full organ) instead of 8
✓ 3 manuals + pedal instead of 1 manual + pedal
✓ Midi via USB
✓ Midi player
✓ No ads
-- Permissions --------
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to extract the sound samples onto the sdcard
android.permission.VIBRATE for vibrate on touch support
android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS for better audio support (OpenSL)
android.permission.INTERNET and android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE to load ads
Last updated on 02/05/2017
+ Updates for Android 6/Marshmallow and 7/Nougat
+ Updates to latest Google recommendations regarding low latency audio
+ Various performance improvements
+ Bug fixes
+ Updated libraries
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Требуемая версия Android
Android 4.0.3+
Pitea Free
The Church Organ2.9.4 by Dr. Achim Leubner