Signature Creator - Stylish Name Signature Maker

5.6.5 от Appz Dreamer
06/10/2018 Старые Версии

Введение Signature Creator - Stylish Name Signature Maker

Signature Creater app for signature style of name & digital signature With Notes

Easy Signature Maker Pro

Make signature style of my name easily using your android device. Share with your friends using signature app. Best signature style of my name creator. Then signature maker to my name allows you to draw stylish signature using your fingertip. "This signature designer is an awesome app to design your signature using signature font. Use this app as signature generator for various signature making with different style and signature practice. Your work to printing the document, signing and scanning is available on easy steps. Use your wallpaper as signature lock screen or signature app lock with this signature app. Just have to download Easy Signature Maker Pro. You can use signally to sign and fill documents on your signature devices. The best signature making app for using your signature digital on papers with this signature creator application.

signature creator - Get a cool digital signature creator using your fingertip. If the result looks good, you can create a permanent image using this signature design app. Draw again and again unless you make it perfect. You can share new Signature with your friends through social media or Message using Action Bar (on the Top of the Screen).

This app will provide you easy way to create your scan like signature, e Signature , online signature box and watermark signature. Make easy signature app design with email signature & pdf signature. Just use this digital signature design app creator & create digital designer signature. Make stylish signature for photos, names, font, games, verification and etc using your own style.

The Final Signature can be share in transparent PNG format.

Что нового в последней версии 5.6.5

Last updated on 08/10/2018
✮ New and updated UI
✮ Added Noted
✮ Minor Bug Fix.
✮ Performance Improvement

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Android 4.0.3+


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