App for marriage matching with accurate results.
Mindsutra Software Technology, the leading Astrology/Horoscope software development company, presents Android-based Marriage Matching app. This app is based on Vedic astrology and covers the following -
1- Lagna / Navamsha Charts (Horoscope) for both Bride and Groom.
2- Planetory positions & Dispositions for both Bride and Groom.
3- Ashta-Koota Matching (32 Points Score)
4- Manglik (Kuja Dosha) blemish and its cancellation.
It has tools for calculating Birth Chart based on Indian/Vedic/Hindu Astrology.
In this app, we have provided Astrological Koota-based matching in a very easy and intuitive format. We earnestly expect that practicing astrologers as well as students of astrology will find our work informative and useful. The super-fast performance of this app will help save crucial time and effort for the user. It will compute and deliver lots of information within a flash - some of which might attract the user's attention, and demand special consideration.