ALLAH Says:No doubt in the remembrance of ALLAH do hearts find satisfaction.
Azkar for morning and evening is a very beutiful collection.
Azkar as sabah wal masah give us protection through day and
night, from devil and other fitnas also from harmful diseases.
This is an android based application that includes azkar
which have some authentic and verified (by ulama) text.The app
has some features including:-
- Easily Read able arabic text
- Translation in English
- Azkar timing
- Morning and Evening azkar are listed separately
- Before every zikar text, it is also mentioned taht how many
times you have to make this zikar i.e once, two times
or more....
At the end I pray to my ALLAH that he give us taufeeq so that
we may make these azkar daily for whole of our life and be saved.
And also that ALLAH may make this app hisnulmuslim(fortress) for
the muslims all over the world.