use paper lanterns with various motifs
The bedroom is a place to spend time after a day outdoors. For children, daily activities such as school and play can also make them tired, so also need adequate rest in the room.
And in fact, the use of the right lights can also make the break so more quality. For that see the inspiration of children's room decoration with a lamp lantern.
These lanterns are usually made of special paper, though the price is not too expensive and can make the child's room feel more relaxed when lit at night. And to make the room look more colorful, use paper lanterns with various motifs. You can put it on the wall or hung on the bed.
Paper lanterns are very affordable and cool, can be used for decorating and turning on the room.
Grab a paper lantern and stick it to a box or basket, the last contents with flowers, real or fake flowers, flower petals, diapers, teddy bears or anything else that suits your mind.
here are some examples of images of lanterns that you can use.