BUSLNK ไอคอน


1.0 โดย City of Lincoln, Nebraska
Apr 10, 2019

เกี่ยวกับ BUSLNK

BUSLNK provides real-time bus info for public transit for Lincoln, Nebraska

BUSLNK provides real-time bus tracker and arrival information for StarTran, the public transit system for Lincoln, Nebraska.

* Keep track of where your bus is on a map and when it’s arriving at your stop with BUSLNK’s real-time tracking system.

* Find out about detoured routes, closed stops or holiday / inclement weather schedules.

* Locate the nearest bus stops. Store your favorite stops and routes for quick reference.

* New to the bus system? Use the trip planner to identify the best routes and schedules to get you to your destination.

* Check out fares and discounts. Also, consider paying with StarTran’s Token Transit app. Find it in the app store or text ‘TOKEN” to 41411 for a link to dowload. You can then buy passes or pay fare with your smart phone.

* Provide comments and suggestions to StarTran management online or by phone.

มีอะไรใหม่ใน 1.0 เวอร์ชันล่าสุด

Last updated on Aug 30, 2019
Initial Release

ข้อมูล แอป เพิ่มเติม




Efe Samatli

ต้องใช้ Android

Android 4.4+




BUSLNK ทางเลือก

ต้องการแอปอื่นจาก City of Lincoln, Nebraska
