CA & T Nettoyage - พาณิชย์และอุตสาหกรรมทำความสะอาดบริการเลบานอน
CA&T Nettoyage - Commercial & Industrial Cleaning services
We identified a niche market in the cleaning industry and concentrated on differentiating CA&T Nettoyage from the competition by introducing new stewarding services that were absent from the Lebanese market.
This led to the company’s rapid success and enabled us to quickly secure prestigious clients of international standards. The company has since grown to become an important player in the cleaning industry as a result of its expertise, dedication and continuous quest of excellence.
Download our app to stay in touch with our latest news and to receive updates about our industry. Use the app to reserve a meeting or to enquire about our services.
Call us:
+ 961 9 63 58 13
+ 961 70 207 200
Jounieh, Lebanon