Canada is a country in the northern part of North America.
Canada info - Everythings About Canada
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This application gives you this info about Canada
Find a job, training, hiring programs, work permits, Social Insurance Number (SIN)
Immigration and citizenship:
Visit, work, study, immigrate, refugees, permanent residents, apply, check status
Travel and tourism:
In Canada or abroad, advice, advisories, passports, visit Canada, events, attractions
Business and industry:
Starting a business, permits, copyright, business support, selling to government
EI, family and sickness leave, pensions, housing, student aid, disabilities
Food, nutrition, diseases, vaccines, drugs, product safety and recalls
Income tax, payroll, GST/HST, contribution limits, tax credits, charities
Environment and natural resources:
Weather, climate, agriculture, wildlife, pollution, conservation, fisheries
National security and defence:
Military, transportation and cyber security, securing the border, counter-terrorism
Culture, history and sport:
Arts, media, heritage, official languages, national identity and funding
Policing, justice and emergencies
Safety, justice system, prepare for emergencies, services for victims of crime
Transport and infrastructure:
Aviation, marine, road and rail, car seat and vehicle recalls
Canada and the world:
Foreign policy, trade agreements, development work, global issues
Money and finances:
Personal finance, credit reports, fraud protection, paying for education
Science and innovation:
Scientific research on health, environment and space, grants and funding