Simple digital white board application to share ideas using commonly used tools.
A simple digital white board application to share, demonstrate and discuss ideas.
A canvas with a grid (it can be turned off) and an option to set background colour becomes the platform for drawing and sharing ideas.
User can write free hand drawing (or handwritten notes) using a pen with options to select color and modify width is provided. This free hand drawing objects can be moved or resized later after drawing is completed.
27 commonly used shapes and flow chart symbols can be used to explain. A text legend can be added after they are added to the canvas. These shapes can be resized, filled and duplicated or removed based on user requirement.
User can select their choice of fill colour to fill the free hand drawing (if the object is a closed path) and other shapes. Select empty water drop from pen menu if do not want o fill the drawing object or shape.
Shapes can be connected using 9 types of lines (solid line, semi dashed line, dashed line etc.). Also there user can choose from 9 different end cap styles (single arrowhead, double arrowhead, circle, rectangle, filled triangle etc.). Shapes can be connected with 7 types of connectors (straight line, horizontal boxed connector, vertical boxed connector, arc, quadratic curve etc.). These combinations provide many options to connect shapes.
Text labels can be added to canvas with desired color and size. They can be edited, moved, duplicated or deleted after adding to canvas.
Any object (free hand drawing, shape, text, line or image) can be selected again, resized, duplicated and deleted as per user requirement.
User can also insert an image as an object. Image can be duplicated and resized.
User can convert canvas into a PNG image and share with others. User can also share canvas as a PDF file. Apart from saving as PNG file and PDF file user also has an option to save as a .plk file. If canvas is saved as .plk file then user can open this file later after sometime or send to someone and they can edit and modify contents (editing and modification is not possible in PNG and PDF file).
Apart from saving in different formats user can open an already created .plk file (please note any drawing object already present on canvas will be erased when a new .plk file is opened). Instead of opening a .plk file which will erase existing contents user has option to merge existing content with content from .plk file.
Finally there is an option provided to erase contents of the canvas.
Overall this application is aimed at presenting ideas in a simple and intuitive
way using very commonly used tools on a simple canvas.