Easy DAV's mainfocus is an easy sync-configuration for ownCloud
Easy DAV's mainfocus is an easy sync-configuration for ownCloud-installations on Android-devices. As a user you only need to know the main ownCloud-URL of your installation, the CardDAV- and CalDAV links are generated automatically.
Error: "I/O error: Cannot verify hostname ..."
Please activate the setting "Ignore SSL Errors" if the following tutorial does not work:
You have to add your selfsigned certificate into the SSL-Storage of your Android-Smartphone. To do so, upload the Certificate to your server and open it in the default Androidbrowser (http://your-domain.tld/yourcertificate.cert).
No ownCloud-installation? 5 Gigs without monthly fees on http://www.bocombo.de/webhosting/gratis-cloudspeicher/