Easy Raspberry PI projects
Raspberry Pi is an ARM cortex based popular development board designed for electronics engineers and makers. It’s a single board computer working on low power. With the processing speed and memory, Raspberry Pi can be used for performing different functions at a time, like a normal PC, and hence it is called Mini Computer in your palm. With its powerful features and easy to use functionalities, raspberry pi has become one of the most popular open source hardware platform to build a long range of projects - from simple electronics projects for students and beginners to high end industrial applications.
In this section we have covered a list of super simple raspberry pi projects for students and makers to learn, experiment and make something useful with the pi. All these raspberry pi projects and tutorials are covered with the detailed explanation of circuit diagrams, software and codes with videos.
IoT Raspberry Pi Smart Container
Voice Typing on 16x2 LCD using Raspberry Pi and Android
Voice Typing on 16x2 LCD using Raspberry Pi and Android
How to Find IP Address of Raspberry Pi using Python
Raspberry Pi Based Weight Sensing Automatic
Raspberry Pi Emergency Light with Darkness and AC Power Line Off Detector
Detecting Colors using Raspberry Pi and Color Sensor TCS3200
Measure Distance using Raspberry Pi and HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Interfacing Joystick with Raspberry Pi
Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO using Android App over Bluetooth
Raspberry Pi Surveillance Camera with Motion
Raspberry Pi Alarm Clock using RTC Module DS1307
Use PyGame Library to Play Game Sounds with Raspberry Pi
Interface a button to Raspberry Pi
3X3X3 LED Cube with Raspberry Pi and Python
Controlling 8x8 LED Matrix with Raspberry Pi
Call and Text using Raspberry Pi
IOT based Raspberry Pi Home Security System with Email Alert
Visitor Monitoring System with Raspberry Pi and Pi Camera
Raspberry Pi Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor
Web Controlled IoT Notice Board
Raspberry Pi Weather Station: Monitoring Humidity, Temperature and Pressure over Internet
Capacitive Touch Pad with Raspberry Pi