Get coupons and promotions for UBER, LYFT etc and enjoy free rides across world.
Do you travel much? Do you want free rides? Wanna save in Dollars??
Free Taxi Rides - Uber & Lyft etc Just download our app (5M+ downloads) to get free taxi rides coupons, Cab discount offers and other promotional offers for free.
App features:
>> Free taxi coupons for Uber cabs
>> Free promo codes for Lyft cabs (New York etc)
>> Coupons updated on weekly basis for new and existing customers.
>> Very light weight app which consumes less battery and resource.
>> Works offline without internet.
Earlier, how people were using to traveling like waving the arm in the air by standing for the taxi. But now they are dealing with mobile apps.
Uber is the standard bearer in the cab-hailing app industry. The most popular transport app in the world has established its presence in 107 countries.
Uber is one of the best and fast-growing app that has covered the highest number of cities and countries in the world. Some smaller cities have the even more cheap UberGo, using small cars. Some of the cities have UberBlack, UberSUV, UberXL as added choices at higher costs.
Lyft is the US based app with more than 60 cities across all of the United States, Lyft is one of the best Apps to make ride-hailing easier, safer and trustworthy. Lyft provides three alternatives— Lyft, Lyft Plus and Lyft Line, with which users can ride alone or in a group of six members.
Lyft is currently offering four different services. You could use the regular Lyft, the Lyft Plus, the Lyft Line or the Lyft Premier. Lyft Plus accommodates six or more passengers, Lyft Line allows you to tag along with other passengers while Lyft Premier is a high-end service where you get to travel in a luxury sedan that seats a maximum of 4 passengers.
These cab-hailing apps can only be of benefit to you if you are connected to the internet. When you are offline, you have no other option but to hail a cab in the traditional way.
Countries Available in: India, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, United States!