Connect to free wi-fi, analyzer, finder, wifi map and Wifi speed test.
Free WiFi Connect application helps you to connect automatically to open WiFi networks.
SPEEDTEST - Internet Speed Performance Testing of your Internet accelerator connection !
Check Wifi Internet Speed Test can testing speed for cellular, WiFi hotspots, GPRS, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE, DSL and ADSL modem with just one tap speed, accurate report.
Main App features:
- Material design and modern looking icons.
- You can also connect/disconnect to any network you want by simply tapping on it.
- Wifi speed test. Test your download and upload speed and latency (ping)
- Find for nearest WiFi Hotpots by WiFi signal or Name.
- Display signal level, signal strength.
- it is not a wifi password hacker.Hacking is illegal.
This application is not tools for device WIFI hacker, unable connect to any secured wifi stealer or stealing wifi, auto login wifi, using wifi without password or show wi fi password wireless nearby people.
Note: Please note that this app will only show you available networks if there is any. It doesn't connect to secured network. It take care of only open wifi networks in your area.