One of our best work to bring together musics and lyrics for you
It will never been so easy to view lyrics of Henrique e Juliano and also listen the while both access them, and it doesn't even take time to load which make it difference from any other similar app. It comes with its feature, integrated music player that enable choose you want to listen or view.
You can find to simply learn the song such as Cuida Bem Dela, Até Você Voltar, Na Hora da Raiva, Flor E O Beija-Flor or else with Ricelly Henrique Tavares and Edson Alves dos Reis Junior, enjoy sing the songs together of Música sertaneja Ao Vivo em Palmas Brasília.
Note :
To view the lyrics, you can run directly from the app. Should you turn on your internet connection (3g/4g/wifi) for listening the song. Please give us your comment and share to your friends for future development of this app.