JamBox - the musicians app for chords and scales on stringed instruments.
JamBox – the guitar app for chords and scales.
JamBox is a dynamic app for guitar chords and scales. Specify a chord and the app will provide you with extensive information on fingering, handle lengths, the notes contained in the chord, blank and muted strings, Barrée sizes supplemented by the music-theoretical groundwork such as scales and intervals. Are you interested in more features? Take a look at JamBox Pro.
- chord Modes: 50 (calculated)
- scales: 5
- dynamic scale calculation
- split bass/slash chords: Free split bass note option for any chord
- chord thumbnails
- notes display
- progression display
- info panel (Included notes, Progression, Used Fingers, notes in chord, chord span, missing notes, empty strings, muted strings, barree size, min/max frets)
- instrument: 1 (guitar)
- supported tuning: standard
- left handed option
- capotasto function