Welcome to myAppCITB which offers a new social learning platform for the CITB Apprentices! myAppCITB enables the Apprentices to collaborate within the community and with the CITB Apprenticeship Officers more closely, ensuring improved engagement and effective learning. So download the app today to start your journey and don’t forget to share your experience by way of review comments!
What does myAppCITB offer?
1. Guests and Apprentices accessing myAppCITB can talk to the Auto Chatbot and find answers to the FAQs related to Apprenticeship programme/technical queries.
2. Apprentices are offered a raft of features within the myAppCITB for building a Portfolio of their work, live chat with AOs/peers, receive meeting invites/broadcasts, etc.
3. Apprenticeship Officers are offered many features within the myAppCITB like creating meeting invites, helping/mentoring Apprentices through live chat, etc.
4. The users can personalise their view preferences on the myAppCITB with the dark mode/light mode accessibilities.
5. The logged in users can reach out to the myAppCITB support team through an in-app facility for reporting technical issues and find the resolution in the support chatbox.
Where is myAppCITB available?
myAppCITB is available for download only in the United Kingdom.
What advantages does myAppCITB give you?
1. Effective social learning platform.
2. Ease of mentoring by Apprenticeship Officers through live chat, meetings, etc.
3. In-app support for solving technical issues
Do you want to be a part of this great journey?
Just download the myAppCITB today and find out for yourself how the CITB Apprenticeship programme works to be a part of it!