you to check what is behind your name and make a picture with your name meaning
My Name meaning
Name Meaning is a funny App designed to abbreviate and show the meaning of name. This application is interesting, fun and practical.
Name Meaning help you to know about you by your name and the character prediction by name first letter in Hindi. The first Letter in your Name predicts your Character and many other things about your love life, money, and life.
This app brings you the best to enhance your creativity. Simply add your name and click on generate the next screen will give you the superb meanings of your name characters.
The information in your name can reveal your destiny. Name meaning Application help you to check what is behind your name and secret story of your name?
Find out with Name Meaning! You can also find out the Name Meanings for your favorite artists, singers, actors, celebrities, personalities and roles models!
Learn about your name and number compatibility with other names and numbers.
Popular Baby Names - Popular Baby Names in US and their meanings now part of Name Meanings.
Name Live Wallpapers - Name Live Wallpapers with cool Name Animations as your live wallpaper. Name Animations on your screen for wallpaper.
Now you can share your name meanings just by clicking the share button.
Name Meaning allows you to share with your friends and followers through and any social network, sharing app or texting app you have on your phone!
- Easy to use.
- Simple in Design
- Easily share with friend
- You can check any name
- You can also save generated meanings