RIZKNOWS™ scours the internet every day to find the best deals and discounts.
RIZKNOWS™ scours the internet every day to find the best deals and discounts on products in the sports & outdoor, health & fitness, home & hardware and technology categories. Some example products you can expect to find deals on include headphones, cameras, drones, wearable tech, computers, speakers, apparel, phones, shoes, supplements, fitness equipment and much, much more. If you make purchases through the links that we provide we may earn a small referral commission (at no extra cost to you).
Our steadfast commitment to providing the absolute best deals is why our massive subscriber base continues to grow every single day. We hope that you enjoy using our app and are able to discover new products and save money!
TOP DEALS: Our team of deal experts sort through and select the best deals of the day to increase your chances of grabbing a hot deal before they’re gone
CATEGORIES: Use the sliding scale at the top of the app to maneuver through different categories and browse the exact types of products you’re interested in
DEAL ALERTS: Receive instant notifications when extremely popular products go on sale
DEALS SEARCH: Use the magnifying glass (search icon) in the top right hand corner to see if we have a deal on a specific product, brand or retailer you are looking for
SHARE: Send awesome deals you think your friends or family might like via email, text, Facebook or Twitter
RIZKNOWS™ - The Go-To-Guys for Deals and Reviews!
We are constantly looking for ways to improve. Please send any suggestions or comments regarding the app to jeff@rizknows.com