Shalina CLM ขับเคลื่อนโดย SANetForce
SHALINA CLM enables sales reps to present ideas and products in an interactive way, without the need of a computer. MR Can able to do the reporting in android tablets and all the MIS Reports will be generated automatically based on the DCR. The android tablets can be automatically syncronized with centrally generated documents, pictures, presentations, brochures, forms and videos and all can be tracked centrally.
Make the Interaction with Doctor More creative, Display personalized & Interactive Medical Content! Impress Your Peers with personalized rich and interactive medical content. Track every action of the digital detailing process to improve targeting with Enhanced analytics. Enlighten marketing with insights of promotion strategy and implementation for continuous improvement.
SHALINA CLM Unique Modules
RCPA Analysis
Available Audit
BI Tools
Auto synchronization
SHALINA CLM Highlights
Interactive Presentations
Effective Planning
Live Insights and Analytics
Interactive Dashboards
Pre and Post call analysis
Customized MIS Reports
User Friendly