All Song and offline Lyrics of Cinderella & Four Knights OST in 1 Application
Download and Enjoy your favorite song/lyric of "Cinderella & Four Knights" OST with this complete lightweight application, very easy and free to use.
All the lyrics of songs available in the original text version (HANGUL), Romanization and english translation
Top Songs list :
- BTOB - For You
- Jessi - My Romeo
- SinB (Ft. Si Jin) - Confession
- Green Cacao (Ft. Monet) - If I Meet You Again Someday
- Yoon Bomi (Apink) - Without You
- Younha - I Believe
- Dickpunks - You Pour A Star
- ZIA - Only One
- Lee Jung Shin - Confession
- CNU (B1A4) - How To Find Love
- BTOB - For You Ballad Version
- This application is not an official application from the artist / band / etc .
- This application does not provide a feature to download music / video / pictures / etc because it would violate copyright law .
- All the lyrics that you read in this application is copyright / intellectual property of their respective owners and protected by law . All are provided for educational purposes and personal use only .
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