Watch Ukrainian TV channels, movies, shows and radio on Ukraine TV.
Ukrainian TV channels, movies, shows and radio for those who are Ukrainians in their minds and soul everywhere and all the time.
Install the app on your smartphone or tablet, purchase the Ukraine TV subscription and follow the world of the Ukrainian TV from anywhere.
From now on popular Ukrainian TV channels, movies, shows, music and radio stations are available for you and require just the internet connection.
You can install Ukraine TV on up to three different devices and watch the content with your family within a single subscription. You need to have the subscription in order to watch the content. You can purchase the subscription in the application. You can also stream the content to your TV using Chromecast device, and the separate application for the Smart TV's is on the way.
What you can watch
— TV Channels. Ukraine TV comes with more than 25 Ukrainian TV channels with Ukrainian and Russian sound, available for you anywhere in the World. The genres are entertainment, news, movies etc.
— Movies and shows. The video library of Ukraine TV has over 3000 titles and we update it
constantly – from the soviet classics to the contemporary Ukrainian cinema, cartoons, shows and documentaries.
— Cinema channels. Sometimes the TV channel is not able to be air in certain countries, but can show specific programs, movies and shows. We have already collected four special 24/7 channels with the best movies and shows.
— Radio. Ukraine TV features Ukrainian news, entertainment and musical radio stations. Radio is available in any country free of charge.
Special features
— TV Archive and catch-up. We record all TV programming for the last 7 days on our servers, and you can watch TV channels when you like.
— TV Pause. With a single tap, any channel can be paused for 10 minutes.
— Smart Electronic Program Guide. We collect the popular movies, shows and other thematic programming from all TV channels into the useful guide, and you do not have to look for the interesting content anymore.
— Favorites. You can add certain movie, show or the TV channel into the Favorites list.
— Parental control. You can password-protect any title or genre in the app.