Weather Forecast

1.1.2 โดย Accurate Weather
Dec 3, 2019 เวอร์ชั่นเก่า

เกี่ยวกับ Weather Forecast

Weather, best free weather forecast, update real time, hourly, daily, weekly

Weather Forecast app offers reliable and accurate weather forecasts and is one of the best weather applications in English.

Our weather forecasts are displayed through a modern and intuitive interface that allows you to quickly view accurate weather information that includes local weather forecasts to monitor the situation of rain, storms, ice and snow in real time, as well as winds, humidity , sunrise and sunset times and much more.

Thanks to our meteorological information, it is possible to plan commitments better and achieve greater success at work and have a better life. The application is very useful for everyone.

The weather forecast automatically identifies the user's current position so as to quickly view the local weather.

Weather forecasts offer a lot of information including weather conditions, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, precipitation in different units of measurement, speed and wind direction, as well as future forecasts for the next 14 days and even hourly weather forecasts.

Temperature, rain, snow, humidity, pressure, wind force and wind direction in real time are all updated in real time.

The weather forecasts can be viewed at any time also via the phone's home widgets, also available with clock with date and time and also settable with transparent background.


- Completely free, weekly, daily forecasts, real-time update.

- World weather forecasts for all countries

- Weather forecasts for all cities

- Accurate position detection via GPS and data network

- Search and store multiple locations

- Also transparent weather widget with real-time update

- Weather forecast today, tomorrow, 3 days later, next 7 days and 14 days. Time for today, tomorrow's time ... time every hour.

- Time description: Sunrise time, Sunset time, Humidity, Precipitation amount, Wind speed ...

- Real-time weather maps, graphs and weather radar to visualize: rain, snow, clouds, wind, temperature, humidity, pressure.

- View the details of the daily weather and the weather forecast.

- Graphs to display time and daily time

- Unit of measurement setting: Temperature (C / F), Precipitation (mm, inches), wind speed (km/h, mi / h, m / s), pressure (mmhg, hPa, mbar)

Use this reliable and better weather application every day to keep up to date on the current weather situation and the evolution of the coming days with accurate and reliable weather forecasts.

Download "Weather Forecast" for free and start using it immediately!

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ต้องใช้ Android

Android 4.4+




Weather Forecast ทางเลือก
