A vaginal yeast infection application.
A vaginal yeast infection application.
A vaginal yeast infection is an infection resulting from the overgrowth of yeast, which is a type of fungus.
Also called candida vaginitis or vulvovaginal candidiasis, yeast infections are most commonly caused by the fungus Candida albicans.
They can also be caused by other Candida species, including C. glabrata, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, and C. krusei.
Factors that can increase the risk of getting a yeast infection are pregnancy, stress, chronic health conditions, diabetes, use of oral contraceptives, steroids and antibiotics.
Women can also get yeast infections after menopause due to declining estrogen levels, which thin the vaginal walls. Most men and women suffer from a yeast infection at least once.
Some of the signs of a yeast infection are itching, burning or swelling in and around the affected area. If it is a vaginal yeast infection, there will be pain or discomfort in the vagina during sex, a burning feeling when urinating, and odorless vaginal discharge. There are many simple home remedies that can eliminate the infection in a relatively short time. Download this app and discover the most effective home remedies to cure yeast infection from the comfort of your home.
Note: Pregnant women are strongly advised to consult their doctors before trying any home remedy themselves. This is for the safety of the mother and the baby.
An overgrowth of Candida albicans, a type of yeast, can cause a variety of chronic health problems in men and women, not the least of which are yeast infections.
By Downloading and using this FREE Yeast Infection Treatment App you will learn;
How to Treat Candida
Yeast infection symptoms
Yeast infection in women
Yeast infection in men
Yeast Infection Treatment
Home remedies for yeast infection
Thrush treatment
How to get rid of Candida
Foods to Avoid on the Candida Diet
Foods to Include in Candida Diet
Best Candida Cleanse
How to Control Yeast Infection
How to Get Rid of Candida Naturally