Su için Standart Yangından Korunma için fix Sistemleri püskürtün.
The Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection, formerly Water Spray Nozzles and
Extinguishing Systems, first prepared by the Committee on Manufacturing Hazards, was tentatively adopted in 1939, with final adoption in 1940. Subsequently, this standard was placed under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Special Extinguishing Systems, and a new edition was adopted in 1947. In 1959, the committee organization was further changed to place primary responsibility in the hands of the Committee on Water Spray, under the general supervision of the General Committee on Special Extinguishing Methods. In 1966, the General Committee on Special Extinguishing Methods was discontinued, and the Committee on
Water Spray was constituted as an independent committee. Revised editions were presented
in 1969, 1973, 1977, 1979, and 1982
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1.1.1 This standard provides the minimum requirements for the design, installation, and system acceptance testing of water spray fixed systems for fire protection service and the minimum requirements for the periodic testing and maintenance of ultra-high-speed water spray fixed systems.
1.1.2* Water spray fixed systems shall be specifically designed to provide for effective fire control, extinguishment, prevention, or exposure protection.
1.1.3* This standard shall not apply to water spray protection
from portable nozzles, sprinkler systems, monitor nozzles, water
mist suppression systems, explosion suppression, or other means
of application covered by other standards of NFPA.
1.2 Purpose. The purpose of this standard shall be to provide
the minimum requirements for water spray fixed systems based
on sound engineering principles, test data, and field experience.
1.3 Application.
1.3.1 Water spray is applicable for protection of specific hazards
and equipment and shall be permitted to be installed independently of, or supplementary to, other forms of fire protection
systems or equipment.
1.3.2 Water spray protection is acceptable for the protection
of hazards involving each of the following groups:
(1) Gaseous and liquid flammable materials
(2) Electrical hazards such as transformers, oil switches, motors, cable trays, and cable runs
(3) Ordinary combustibles such as paper, wood, and textiles
(4) Certain hazardous solids such as propellants and pyrotechnics
(5) Vapor mitigation
1.4 Retroactivity. The provisions of this standard reflect a consensus of what is necessary to provide an acceptable degree of
protection from the hazards addressed in this standard at the
time the standard was issued.
1.4.1 Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of this standard shall not apply to facilities, equipment, structures, or installations that existed or were approved for construction or
installation prior to the effective date of the standard. Where
specified, the provisions of this standard shall be retroactive.
1.4.2 The retroactive requirements of this standard shall be permitted to be modified if their application clearly would be impractical in the judgment of the authority having jurisdiction, and only where it is clearly evident that a reasonable degree of safety is provided.
1.5 Equivalency. Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use of systems, methods, or devices of equivalent or superior quality, strength, fire resistance, effectiveness, durability, and safety over those prescribed by this standard. Technical documentation shall be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction to demonstrate equivalency. The system, method, or device shall be approved for the intended purpose by the authority having jurisdiction.
1. Method Design
2. Number Sprinkler Design
3. Area Calculate
4. Flow Sprinkler Calculate
5. Pressure & Flow Sprinkler Calvulate
6. Frictional Loss Calculate
7. Table For Design
8. Graph For Design