下載 APKPure App
生命轉折點是大衛.耶利米博士的教導事工。我們的使命是通過健全的聖經教導,向這個不斷變化的世界傳遞 神不變的道。我們相信,當一個人的生命與 神相交時,會是一個改變生命的轉折點。我們致力於鼓勵並加強我們的讀者聽眾的每日靈修,通過提供文字及音視頻的聖經學習資源,來幫助他們的屬靈成長。
應用特點: -收聽每日信息。 -收看來自於影山社區教會講壇的每週電視廣播。 -獲取每日靈修材料 -在微信上關註生命轉折點 -以及更多
* 注意:對於非無線網絡連接的設備,請通過WiFi連接因特網(連接無線運營商網絡將會產生數據使用資費)。
*** 給我們的應用好評,讓更多人經歷健全的聖經教導! ***
The Official Turning Point Mandarin App
Turning Point is the teaching ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah. Our mission is to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world through sound Bible teaching. We believe that when one’s life intersects with God, that moment will be a life-changing turning point. We are dedicated to strengthening and encouraging the daily spiritual walk of our listeners and viewers by providing print, audio, and video Bible study resources to help them grow spiritually.
App features: . -Listen to daily messages. -Watch weekly television broadcasts from the pulpit at Shadow Mountain Community Church. -Access Daily Devotional. -Follow Turning Point through social media. -Plus much more
For more information about Turning Point please visit www.DavidJeremiah.org
*Note: WiFi Internet is required for non-cellular network connected devices (Data Usage rates may apply when connected to a cellular carrier network).
***A higher star rating of our app will allow more people to experience sound Bible teaching!***
The 生命轉折點 App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.