Access MyLibrary®提供對本地圖書館可用的Gale參考資源的訪問。根據圖書館館藏的不同,用戶可能會立即享受無限量的數據庫和電子書訪問權限,其中包括:
• 汽車修理
• 健康與保健
• 以及更多!
Last updated on 2021年03月01日
What's New in version 4.0
- A new "Find Library" experience to help you quickly access your library (and save your fingers some work)
- Improved Resource and eBook shelves; optimized for current device screen sizes; now includes high-res resource icons
- All Gale resources included are now optimized for mobile web
- Overall Improved speed and performance
- Addressed bugs and crashes