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Clubhouse is a social network designed for audio chat. It is open by invitation only and was launched in 2020.
The clubhouse offers the opportunity to join clubs and virtual rooms and then talk about various topics such as music, networking, dating, political discussions and much more.
This application is an experimental project and can be blocked by Clubhouse at any time.
- Login
- Registration should work, but I suggest that you better use an iOS device to register
- Seeing the list of rooms however the server recommends them
- Joining rooms from said list and by direct links
- Listening and speaking (speaking may not work properly on some devices)
- Raising hand (asking to speak)
- Accepting when a moderator allows you to speak
- Real-time updates in to the participant list
- Profiles
- Following and unfollowing people
- Followers/following lists
- Updating your "bio"
- Uploading a profile picture
- Changing your name (but the official app says you can only do this once — not sure if there's a limitation on the server side)
- Notifications
- User search
- Invite friends
The rest isn't implemented. In particular you can't create and moderate rooms. There's probably a hundred bugs in the existing functionality too.
As soon as the official Android application is available, we will block this application.