下載 APKPure App
可在安卓獲取CORT VR的歷史版本
介紹CORT VR,一種新的方式看CORT家具的比佛利山莊陳列室。
Introducing CORT VR, a new way to see CORT Furniture. Use your virtual reality headset to experience walking through CORT’s Beverly Hills, California showroom. Teleport yourself to each pin point and explore what CORT displays all around you. Have fun with added animations and help CORT see into the future by answering a survey question at the desk.
To fully enjoy this app you’ll need a VR viewer. Learn more and get your own Cardboard viewer at http:g.co/cardboard
Do not use this app while driving, walking or otherwise by distracted or disoriented from real world situations that prevent you from obeying traffic or safety laws.
If you have had or could be prone to seizures, consult a doctor before using Cardboard.
Last updated on 2016年06月09日
New name tags for furniture and new landing screen.
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Android 4.4+
1.1 by Realiteer Corp.