Deadkind 將是一款巨大的硬核生存遊戲,為移動設備帶來 PC 體驗
DeadKind Project 正在為移動平台帶來全新的殭屍生存體驗,這在移動平台上是前所未有的。
它將包括新一代圖形和一張巨大的地圖,為玩家帶來全新的身臨其境的移動遊戲體驗,並通過完整髮布讓您感覺就像在 PC 上玩遊戲一樣。
現在 Deadkind 僅由一個人開發,而且每天都在工作,所以請關注我的這個令人驚嘆的項目,幫助我一起創造每個人都想要的夢想生存手機遊戲!
Last updated on 2023年07月28日
This update is mainly focused on optimisation for better overall performance on all devices. A lot of things have been changed and improved to provide a smoother better gameplay in this update whilst we wait for V6!
This is a small update so there isn’t anything new added gameplay wise but a big one is coming out soon in update V6 so wait for that one :)
(had to update once again as there were major bugs in the last update but has been fixed now)