下載 APKPure App
DontKillMyApp 的官方應用程式就在這裡──即使你不是使用 Pixel,依然能讓 App 恢復正確運作。
幫你的手機設定好背景工作,如此一來 App 便能順利的協助你!即使沒有盯著螢幕也可以。
現在來看看你手機的狀況,並以「DontKillMyApp 測試」試試不同設定。
• DKMA benchmark: Measure how aggressively is your phone killing background apps
• Guides: Get actionable steps to overcome most background process restrictions
• Make a change:️Help smartphones stay smart by sharing your benchmark report to dontkillmyapp.com
DontKillMyApp is a benchmark tool to see how well does your phone support background processing. You can measure before setting up your phone, then go through the setup guides and benchmark again to see how much has your phone been slacking in the background.
You can share your report through the app to the maintainers of the dontkillmyapp.com website who compile it and base the overall negative score on it.
The app starts a foreground service with a wake lock and schedules repetitive task on the main thread, a custom thread executor and schedules regular alarms (AlarmManager.setExactAndAllowWhileIdle). Then it calculates executed vs. expected. That\'s it!
查看程式碼以取得詳細資訊。這個應用程式是開放原始碼的,並公開在 https://github.com/urbandroid-team/dontkillmy-app
特別感謝 Doki (github.com/doubledotlabs/doki)。