Assist you to reset your devices
- 備份的應用程序列表(只是一個參考,以市場的應用程序)
- 重新安裝應用程序從市場
- 備份您的應用程序列表(按“備份”按鈕)和應用程序的數據
- 對於升級 Froyo(2.2)和後,您可以啟用“內置”雲備份功能(主頁/菜單 /設置/隱私保護 /備份我的數據),並等待一段時間,以確保數據正確備份在Google服務器上
- 從市場重新安裝這個應用程序
- 打開這個程序,並重新安裝應用程序從市場
- 從市場上重新安裝新設備的應用程序
- 插入您存儲備份數據轉換成新的設備,然後打開這個程序,對新設備的SD卡。它應該認識到你的應用程序列表。
☆對於 root用戶,這個應用程序可能用處不大,如果您使用卸載根,Nandroid,鈦備份,MyBackup臨,雪碧備份或其他啟用備份的根。
--------- english-------------
You do the factory reset (hard reset) and lost your favorite apps? You change your droid and don't remember your apps?
Plus, you DON'T want to ROOT your phone. This app is for you.
This apps is designed to help you keep a reference to your installed applications and can be reinstall once you finished a factory reset or migrate your phone.
☆ Features
- Backup app list (only a reference to your Market's apps)
- Re-install apps from Market
☆ Before a factory reset
- Back up your application list (press the "Back up" button) and application's data
- For Froyo (2.2) and later, you can enable "built-in" cloud backup feature (HOME/menu/Settings/Privacy/Backup my data) and wait some time in order to ensure data has properly backed up on Google server
☆ After a factory reset
- Reinstall this app from Market
- Open this app and reinstall apps from Market
☆ If I changed a device
- Reinstall this app on new device from Market
- Insert the SDCard where you store backed up data into new device, then open this app on new device. It should recognize your application list.