下載 APKPure App
由多服務技術解決方案提供支持的最先進的移動應用程序可幫助車隊運營商直接從他們的移動設備管理他們的加油卡。車隊運營商將享受卡活動的可見性以及直接從他們的移動設備獲取 InstaMoney(C) 代碼。司機將可以使用最先進的地圖功能訪問我們的 5000 多個商家位置。Last updated on 2023年06月29日
A state of the art mobile application powered by Multi Service Technology Solutions helps fleet operators manage their fuel cards right from their mobile device. Fleet Operators will enjoy visibility of card activity as well as getting InstaMoney(C) codes right from their mobile device. The drivers will have access to our more that 5000 merchant locations with the state of the art map features.
2.2.4 by MSTS Payments, LLC