Goalplan 是一種協作工具,使員工分散的組織能夠更好地協同工作。借助 Goalplan,團隊和個人可以更有效地實現目標、視覺化統計數據、促進數據驅動的決策、分配任務、追蹤進度、分享知識和想法、競爭並共同創建一個有吸引力且鼓舞人心的工作場所。
Last updated on 2024年07月14日
In this release we launch a completely new bonus function. Now it becomes easier and more engaging to see both actual and projected bonus in the end of the month. View the progress of the bonus in graphs, and view bonus history. You find it directly on the home screen.
We have also improved the search function to expand the search into the content of the course, including the textual content of PDF-files.
Of course we have also killed a few visual bugs along the way.