下載 APKPure App
當你的手機連到網際網絡時(如你透過無線區域網路連到網際網絡),你可以用這軟件,預先下載你需要的網頁,在沒有連到網際網絡時閱讀. 用這方法,你可以節省連到網際網絡的費用和避免網絡擠塞.
注意:如你需要下載的網頁不只是網頁的首頁時,還包括它的超連結.你需要在選項”超連結內容下載最大深度”時,選大於 0, 及你所需要的深度
(thanks to Lee Edwin for the translation!)
Last updated on 2025年01月06日
# changes in v. 6.9:
Fixed problems with Android 15
# changes in v. 6.6:
Fixed problems with Android 12
# changes in v. 6.2:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to policies update in android 11, the apps are no longer able to access the "Download" folder. To view the previously saved pages, you have to copy (by connecting your phone to a PC) the content of the folder /Download/OffBrowser to the folder reported in Settings->Root folder.
- fixed some problems with Android 11
- added desktop mode (in user agent)