查找您在 Camping Sandaya 4 星和 5 星酒店住宿所需的所有信息。
您在 4 星級和 5 星級 Sandaya 露營地的最佳假期就在您的口袋裡!
我們會根據您的回饋定期對應用程式進行更新,以確保您獲得最佳的使用者體驗。立即下載 100% 免費的應用程式來發現新功能!
Last updated on 2024年11月30日
New Sandaya update: book your holiday directly from the app!
Sandaya is rolling out changes to make your holidays even simpler! With this new version, you can book your stay directly from the mobile app. In just a few clicks, you can select your destination and accommodation – planning your next holiday will be a breeze!
Download the update now and check out this new feature which lets you manage your Sandaya holidays wherever you are!