想分享秘密? Snapchat 可讓你從移動設備發送自動刪除照片和視頻。
社交網絡 Snapchat 通過讓你分享在幾秒鐘內自動焚毀的照片和視頻而聲名鵲起。也就是說,該應用程序允許你對你的共享設置一個有限的生命週期,因此它們只能被查看幾秒鐘,然後被自動刪除而無法檢索。
雖然肯定有人認為幾秒的壽命真的毫無用處。但 Snapchat 巨大的受歡迎程度,尤其是在青少年和年輕人中,表明並非如此。顯然,有很多人喜歡發送秘密照片和視頻但同時不想留下任何證據。
這個app到底怎麼用呢? 我們一起來看看吧!
下載並安裝 Snapchat後,你必須首先創建一個具有有效電子郵件地址的帳戶才能啟動。進入後,Snapchat 會使用通訊錄(如果你授予它權限)來幫你查找任何已經在使用該應用程序的聯繫人,並且還可以邀請未使用的朋友。
想共享項目的時候,你不必在 Snapchat 應用程序中與你的朋友“加為好友”。事實上,你可以向任何人發送“快照”,無論是你認識的人還是你通過 Snapchat 的搜索工具找到的陌生人。但是,許多用戶會調整他們的隱私設置,僅接收來自朋友的快照,因此陌生人可能不會收到你的快照。
界面方面,Snapchat 的設計相當簡單直觀!一打開app,就直接是相機頁面。中間有個圓形按鈕,點擊它就可以拍照;如果長按就會拍攝視頻。
Snapchat另一個吸引青少年人的地方是,它提供大量的filter. 孩子們對這個功能簡直愛不惜手!你可以在相機頁面中,逐一打開不同的filter,裝扮成可愛的兔子、或生動的小豬,然後按下快門瘋狂selfie.
除了拍照、視頻和聊天功能,還可以分享位置。如果你的朋友分享了他的位置,你便可以在Snapchat Map上看到他,還可以看到來自不同位置的其他用戶的 Snapchat Stories。朋友還可以發送他們的位置並請求朋友的位置,除非關閉了位置功能,否則它將實時更新八小時。
Snapchat還有一個類似Tik Tok的頁面,你可以在上面看到別人分享的無厘頭視頻。不過經常有人投訴這些視頻太低俗。然而你不能過濾你看到什麼。
- 閱後即焚,與朋友交換秘密訊息
- 強大的照相和視頻功能
- 大量filter,滿足selfie需要
- 太容易認識到陌生人
- 容易接觸到成人內容
Share your story and fun moment with your friends in Snapchat wherever you are!
• Add texts, music, filters or lenses to express yourself in any way you like.
• Watch interesting stories from your friends or the Snapchat community according to your favor.
• Save your photos and videos in Memories and send them to your friends to go through precious times together.
• Snapchat is a fast and fun way to share the moment with your friends and family 👻
• Snapchat opens right to the Camera — just tap to take a photo, or press and hold for video.
• Express yourself with Lenses, Filters, Bitmoji and more!
• Try out new Lenses daily created by the Snapchat community!
• Stay in touch with friends through live messaging, or share your day with Group Stories.
• Video Chat with up to 16 friends at once — you can even use Lenses and Filters when chatting!
• Express yourself with Friendmojis — exclusive Bitmoji made just for you and a friend.
• Watch friends' Stories to see their day unfold.
• See Stories from the Snapchat community that are based on your interests.
• Discover breaking news and exclusive Original Shows.
• Spotlight showcases the best of Snapchat!
• Submit your own Snaps or sit back, relax, and watch.
• Pick your favorites and share them with friends.
• Share your location with your best friends or go off the grid with Ghost Mode.
• See what your friends are up to on your most personal map when they share their location with you.
• Explore live Stories from the community nearby or across the world!
• Save unlimited photos and videos of all your favorite moments.
• Edit and send old moments to friends or save them to your Camera Roll.
• Create Stories from your favorite Memories to share with friends and family.
• Every friendship has its own special profile to see the moments you’ve saved together.
• Discover new things you have in common with Charms — see how long you’ve been friends, your astrological compatibility, your Bitmoji fashion sense, and more!
• Friendship Profiles are just between you and a friend, so you can bond over what makes your friendship special.
Happy Snapping!
Please note: Snapchatters can always capture or save your messages by taking a screenshot, using a camera, or otherwise. Be mindful of what you Snap!
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