Space Sim VR was produced solely by Aaron Knobloch, a software engineering student in Atlanta, GA. It was made with one goal in mind: to provide a free roaming, open-world experience for our solar system, and to replicate space and it's planets as accurately as possible.
Here are some quick facts about the space simulator:
• System defaults to real-time speed.
• Planet maps taken from NASA data.
• Planet rotation/orbit are accurate to the 3rd significant figure.
• Planet scales/distances are accurate to the 3rd significant figure.
Planets/Bodies included:
• Mercury
• Venus (Dynamic Atmosphere)
• Earth (Dynamic Atmosphere)
• Moon
• Mars
• Jupiter
• Io
• Europa
• Saturn (Asteroid Rings)
• Uranus
• Neptune
If there are any requests for moons, ring structures or additional bodies, please feel free to ask! I plan on adding the asteroid belt next. Additionally, Pluto is not included for a couple reasons. The first being that it is no longer recognized as a full-fledged planet. The second being that the scale of the simulation is based on the position of Neptune, and adding another body further than Neptune would produce unpredictable floating-point errors. This is a restriction of the Unity engine.
Application icon created by Svengraph ( http://svengraph.deviantart.com/ )
I would love any and all feedback and feature requests, but keep in mind I am only one person, and a full-time student, so updates will probably be slow.