棉蘭老大學移動應用程序是對Open LMS計劃的補充。
這是大學虛擬教室移動應用程序,是對Blackboard LMS的基於Web /瀏覽器的程序的補充。可以離線訪問和使用移動系統,在線連接後即可自動刷新。該移動應用程序為那些無法通過桌面/筆記本電腦訪問Blackboard LMS的用戶提供了機會。享受您的虛擬課堂。
Last updated on 2022年05月30日
* Accessibility improvements
* H5P improvements
* Moodle 3.11 student activity completion support
* iOS ITP settings support to allow the iOS version of the app to embed content from different URLs
* New option in iOS for allowing a user to open a file using the system preview or a dedicated app
* Plagiarism information displayed in essay question types
* Word count support in quiz essay questions
* Quiz pass grade displayed on quiz front page
* Drag and drop plugin support
* Calendar sync