下載 APKPure App
Kom billigt rundt i hele Storkøbenhavn med URBAN. Download appen og check vores lave priser. URBAN-appen forbinder dig hurtigt med en af vores private og professionelle chauffører, som er klar til at betjene dig døgnet rundt. Læs mere på www.urbango.dk, hvor du finder flere nyttige oplysninger. Men vigtigst: Ingen taxa- eller budtjeneste slår vores priser! (Vilkår og betingelser gælder).Last updated on 2021年06月24日
We have completely reworked the Customer app and created a simple and intuitive interface taking into account feedback from users from all over the world.
Now all important features are in your sight, you can find them exactly where you and millions of other users expect to see them.
The new design was created paying attention to needs of different people. You can easily read texts without glasses, and the size of buttons allows to use the app even with your gloves.
0.36.13-SUBSUN by URBAN Go